
  • 4 Ways To Make Your Child's Braces More Affordable For Your Family

    Beautiful, straight teeth are something that many people desire, but not a lot of people are born with a perfect smile. If you're a parent of a child that may need braces, you probably want to pay for orthodontic treatment, but worry about the out of pocket cost. Luckily, there are several ways that you can make braces an affordable option for your family. If one or more of your children need braces, use the following tips to reduce the expense: [Read More]

  • 2 Herbal Teas To Soothe Inflammation After Getting No Prep Veneers As A Teen

    No prep veneers can be the key to fixing a smile that is plagued by chips, cracks, and discoloration. They are simple to install and often last nearly as long as traditional veneers. Getting no prep veneers results in much less inflammation than if you decided to get traditional veneers. This occurs because of the way that the veneers are applied. Your teeth are not shaved down prior to no prep veneers. [Read More]

  • Could Your Medications Be The Reason Your Teeth Are Discolored?

    Many people have stained, discolored teeth from drinking a lot of coffee or tea. Some people have tooth discoloration because of using tobacco products. Other people have discolored teeth because of poor oral hygiene. However, if you do not use tobacco, drink tea or coffee and you take good care of your teeth, you may wonder why your teeth are discolored. If you are taking medication or have been treated for some diseases, your teeth may be discolored because of it. [Read More]