Mouthwash And A Child's Oral Health Needs
Posted on: 8 September 2022
Mouthwash is considered a staple in many adults, at home, oral health regimens. However, some parents struggle with incorporating mouthwash into their child's regimen. Learn more about the use of mouthwash so that you can make the appropriate decision for your child.
Age and Maturity
Begin the decision-making process with an assessment of the child's age and maturity level. As a general rule, some products discourage use for children that are under a certain age or maturity level, such as kids who can't spit out the mouthwash on command. Always read the label and consult with a dentist to ensure your child is ready. You also want to assess the maturity level of your child. You need to be certain the child can swish the solution around in their mouth without swallowing.
Long-Term Benefits
For parents who do not think this added step is helpful, a glance at the benefits of mouthwash for children can help them realize otherwise. Mouthwash helps maintain good gum health. Without healthy gums, maintaining healthy teeth becomes a harder task. It also helps fight cavities by targeting the bacteria that often prompt cavity growth. Also, while it should not replace sufficient brushing, mouthwash can help cover some of the areas that a child may have missed while brushing, which will help keep their teeth healthier.
Model Example
Should you decide to incorporate mouthwash — prepare to be a model example. Allow your child to see you using mouthwash. From showing your child how much mouthwash to use to how to move the solution around in your mouth, let them see everything. Some children are visual learners, so being able to watch is helpful. However, until you are confident in your child's ability to use the mouthwash, you should complete this process with them.
Child-Friendly Products
Lastly, be sure to use mouthwash products that are specifically formulated for children. Some mouthwash solutions contain potentially harmful ingredients, such as alcohol. Whereas child formulas do not. In addition to the harmful effects of these ingredients, these solutions might be irritating for your child. Child formulas are safe for children, they are often more manageable for their sensitive mouths, teeth, and gums, and best of all, they often have a milder taste.
Speak with a pediatric dentistry professional if you have additional concerns about incorporating mouthwash into your child's oral hygiene regimen. A dentist can go over the benefits, and potential risks with you to help you make the right decision.