Dos And Don'ts Of Caring For Your Baby's Teeth

Posted on: 9 February 2022

According to Healthline, most babies get their first tooth anywhere between four and seven months. Teething is a long process and can be very distressing and painful for your baby. Caring for these new teeth is critical because, although these baby teeth will eventually fall out, these teeth are an important placeholder and needed for proper development of speech. Here are a few dos and don'ts of caring for your baby's teeth.

Don't Overlook the Importance of Caring for Your Baby's Gums

Before your baby's first teeth erupt and after your baby's teeth come in, you need to start caring for baby's gums. In the first few months before there are any teeth, you can wipe down your baby's gums with a wet washcloth one or two times per day. This will remove any formula or breastmilk from the gums, which can help prevent issues with your baby's teeth when they do finally erupt.

After your baby's teeth erupt, you can transition to gently brushing your baby's gums when you brush your baby's teeth.

Do Know When and How to Start Brushing Your Baby's Teeth

Start brushing your baby's teeth as soon as they erupt. There are several types of brushes available, so use one that is recommended by your pediatric dentist and a brush that your baby prefers. For example, there are toothbrushes you can wear on your finger, which are a good way to get your baby's back gums and teeth when they emerge.

A soft bristled baby toothbrush is another good option. To brush the teeth, apply a small amount of gentle, fluoride-free toothpaste to the toothbrush. Your pediatric dentist can recommend the best product for your baby. Next, gently rub the product over your baby's teeth and gums. If your baby resists, try brushing your baby's teeth from behind, which is a more natural position, or try making your baby laugh, which will help your baby open their mouth.

Don't Do Anything That Can Promote Tooth Decay

Finally, there are ways you might be accidentally causing tooth decay. For example, in addition to regular brushings, do not let your baby use their bottle as a pacifier. This allows the formula to remain in the mouth, which can promote decay. Wiping off your baby's teeth after feedings can also help keep their teeth and gums healthy.

From brushing your baby's teeth properly to caring for your baby's gums, when it comes to caring for your baby's teeth, there are several dos and don'ts to keep in mind.
