What Procedures Might Your Dentist Use In A Smile Makeover Procedure?

Posted on: 1 August 2017

Do you hate your smile... not just a few of your teeth, but the entire smile? Some cosmetic dentists have begun catering to patients like you, offering what they call "smile makeovers." These procedures are typically conducted in stages over the course of a few months, and when the process is over, you're left with a perfectly white and bright smile that anyone would love. 

If you truly hate your smile, then the idea of a smile makeover is sure to sound appealing, but you may be intimidated by the idea of having so much work done on your teeth. Thankfully, you'll find that none of the procedures typically used in smile makeovers are terribly painful or invasive. Here's a closer look at some of the procedures your dentist may use as a part of your smile makeover.


If your teeth are reasonably straight but just improperly sized or discolored, your dentist may not need to conduct any orthodontic work at the beginning or your smile makeover. However, in many cases, they will want to do a little orthodontics just to get the teeth into a somewhat more reasonably position. The goal won't necessarily be to get your teeth "perfect" at this stage, but rather to correct any severe misalignment so the subsequent procedures can be conducted with greater success.

For severe misalignments, you may need to wear metal or ceramic braces for a few months, but some patients can get away with invisible aligners. In either case, the process may result in a little discomfort, but it is by no means terribly invasive or painful. 


Once your teeth are reasonably straight, your dentist may opt to cover some of them in crowns. Crowns used for cosmetic purposes are typically made from tooth-colored ceramic. Once the crown has been applied, you should not be able to tell that what you are seeing is ceramic rather than natural tooth enamel. 

Crowns are typically used for teeth that have begun to decay or have cracks that threaten their longevity in the mouth. Not only does the crown hide the unsightly tooth, but it also keeps the tooth from sustaining further damage. Your dentist may also use crowns on your premolars and canines. Covering these teeth with veneers is not always ideal since veneers only cover the front surface of the tooth and you can sometimes see the sides of these teeth when you smile. 

Having a crown applied is painless. Your dentist will make a mold of your tooth, send it to a lab that makes crowns, and then apply the crown to your tooth during a second appointment.


Any front teeth that are in good enough shape not to need crowns are typically covered with veneers during a smile makeover. Veneers are thin slips of porcelain that fit over the front of the tooth, only. They can be made slightly larger or wider than your natural tooth, which allows your dentist to correct any tooth sizing issues that may contribute to your dislike of your smile. They can be made in most any shade, so they can also be used to make your teeth look whiter.

Having veneers applied is painless. Your dentist will make a mold of your teeth, send it off to the lab, and them affix the veneers to the fronts of your teeth using a special cement. Some patients have some mild sensitivity to heat and cold in the days following application, but this wears off quickly.

Veneers are quite durable and can last 10 - 15 years if you take good care of them by avoiding grinding your teeth and biting things other than food. When they do chip or wear out, you will need to have them replaced.

Every smile makeover process is different, but most include the procedures above. As you can see, they process is nearly pain-free, so you don't have to suffer to get the smile you've always desired. For more information, contact companies like Greeley Dental Health.
